Tuesday, November 3, 2009

alhamdulilah....tok kadi dah terima!!!

alhamdulilah...lega rasenyeee...terlepas 1 beban kat pale ni..n hati aku kembali tenang even tgl bpe ari je lg tp aku amat risaukan prosedur nk mintk tok kadi nikahkan ni...mcm2 cite aku dengr psl tok kadi kg aku....alhamdulilah akhirnyee dipermudahkan...
kisahnyee br semlm aku pulang dr perak setlekan requiremnt borang tuk nikah di kg...kene jumpe Tok Penghulu n jumpe saksi nikah...tp aku x sempt ikut papa g jumpe tok kadi...so pg ni papa aku cl n bgtau...yg tok kadi sudi nikahkan kami pd hari sabtu 5 dec 09....x terkata epynyee aku....risau jugak tkut dh ramai booking tyme tu...tp mmg ramai pun tok kadi nikahkan pd hari tu tp mase je lain....aku nikah dlm kul 10.00-11.00 pg...lg 2 pasangan yg akan dinikahkan nti lepas zohor...so xde rr ramai2 kt surau tu nti....
cuma tempt akad nikah tu agak jauh ckit...dlm 5 mint dr umh...bknnye surau kt taman aku tu...aku akan dinikahkan di surau Simpang 3, Selinsing (dekt n umh tok kadi)..reasonnye nape tok kadi tu x bole dtg surau dekt n umh aku....fist sekali, tok kadi ni agak dh berumur soo sush bgnyee nk bergerak jauh2...n d second tok kadi kene mnjaga hati sume penduduk kawasan tu yg sebelum ni mjlis akad nikah mmg diadakan di surau tersebut..xpenh ke luar kawasan..so parents aku trima reason tu....ape yg penting adelah ijab n qabul...dh bersyukur sgt tok kadi tu sudi akad nikahkan....semoga pd tarikh tu dipermudahkan segala2nyee...n berjalan n lancar...

2 DaYs hOliday Wif my PareNtsss

Salam d all bloggerzzz...hope u all guys have fun n everything go smooth as usual!!!
Me???soo many story to update here but still dunno how n where to start hik2...Last week after me n him attended d Acap's wedding at Tmn Maluri...start proceed with d other agenda....KLCC!!!!d purpose to go there juz to repaire my watch @ swatch center n "cuci2 mata tgk org"muahhh felt crazy with d hot stuff from GAP boutique....aso d big sale @IsEtan aso kill me n mY money hahahaha....
Around 7.00pm, I got my bus to My Hometown yahooooo!!!!soo excited hik2...some progress need to update wif my parents regarding wif mY big daY....d agenda:
1.Fill up d "niKah" form n need to find d"saksi"
2. Comfirmed d menu during d big day wif Tuan Hj Amar (cheff)
3. help my mom to clear d curtain...
4. Distributed d wedding card...
alhamdullilah...all d things already done n thnk you very much to my dad...that need to be the main person who incharged dis event..n aso to my mom love you so much....my brothers that every week come back home to finish everything at home....